Monday, October 1, 2012

Winning Actually Isn’t the Only Thing My Opinion

 I agree with him that winning isn’t the only thing because I think that you can learn valuable lessons, experiences, and build character from loses. With that being said, in the heat of the moment I don’t think he should hold players accountable for saying the broke the rule or didn’t catch the ball in this case. For example, the player could have told the refs that he didn’t catch it but he didn’t because with the NFL season being so short every win matters no matter how you get it. 


  1. I think you made a very good point about the NFL and players, I never looked at it in that perspective. I know you can gain so much from being an athlete and regardless of whether you are a professional or a student it's important to have a reputable character. I think you really made a strong point.

  2. Nick I agree with what you are saying. I do think that professional sports are all about getting the job done and it doesnt matter how that happens. But does that make it right? Should they still go to the media and claim that they won fairly??

  3. I agree with your point about learning so many things from a loss. But had the same question Raven did on this one. Even though they did win, unfairly, does that make it okay for them to celebrate and act like it was done fairly to the media?
